Dear children

Dear children,

A. Be Curious: Never stop exploring and asking questions. Curiosity leads to discovery and growth.

B. Work Hard: Dedication and perseverance are key. Put in the effort and you will see the rewards.

C. Embrace Mistakes: Mistakes are a natural part of learning. Don’t fear them; learn from them and keep moving forward.

D. Show Kindness: Treat everyone with respect and compassion. True education includes understanding and empathy towards others.

E. Lifelong Learning: Education doesn’t end with school. Continue to learn, adapt, and grow throughout your life.

As we’re back to school at Kampala Parents School, I want to remind you that education is the most powerful gift I can give you. It opens doors to opportunities, fosters critical thinking, and empowers you to shape your own futures. Investing in your learning today will lead to a brighter tomorrow for you and the world.

Thank you to the parents who have noticed me at the school premises. I’m grateful to be a part of this community. Special thanks to Dr. Sudhir Ruparelia for making KPS great, and to the management, staff, and Ruparelia Group for your support.

May Allah bless us all.”

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