Hamis Kiggundu unveils proof of deductions made by DTB illegally.

In a remarkable legal battle that spanned a decade, Kiggundu Hamis, the renowned entrepreneur and founder of Ham Enterprises U Ltd, emerged as a symbol of resilience and unwavering commitment to justice. The story begins with Hamis clearing all his bank liabilities, amounting to a staggering 9.07 million USD and 11.49 billion Ugandan Shillings, demonstrating his unwavering financial responsibility.

However, the harmony between Hamis and his financial institution, Diamond Trust Bank (DTB), took an unexpected turn when it was revealed that over the course of ten years, the bank had deceitfully and excessively withdrawn a colossal sum of 120 billion Ugandan Shillings from his accounts. This revelation shook Hamis to his core, as he discovered the depth of the bank’s breach of trust.

Determined to seek justice, Hamis took his case to the High Court, exposing DTB’s unlawful actions and demanding the restitution of the wrongfully withdrawn funds. The court, recognizing the gravity of the situation, ordered the bank to refund the entire sum to Hamis. This ruling was a pivotal moment, as it shed light on the bank’s illegal activities and set a precedent for holding financial institutions accountable for their actions.

What further fueled Hamis’s pursuit of justice was the revelation that Diamond Trust Bank Uganda had been operating without official authorization from the Central Bank of Kenya, which had clarified that it had not granted permission for the bank to conduct operations in Uganda. This revelation raised questions about the bank’s legitimacy and further strengthened Hamis’s case.

During the legal proceedings, Diamond Trust Bank Uganda was forced to acknowledge its unlawful actions, admitting to the illegalities on the court record. This admission of guilt further bolstered Hamis’s position and reaffirmed the imperative for justice to prevail. The case became a glaring example of the need for accountability within the banking sector and the importance of safeguarding the rights of individuals against powerful institutions.

As the legal battle unfolded, Hamis became a beacon of hope for those who had suffered at the hands of unscrupulous banks. His determination to seek justice and uphold the law resonated with the public, drawing widespread attention to the injustices that can occur when institutions act without oversight.

In the end, the High Court’s verdict came down in favor of Hamis, ordering Diamond Trust Bank to refund the wrongfully withdrawn 120 billion Ugandan Shillings. The ruling not only rectified the financial harm caused to Hamis but also sent a resounding message to the banking industry at large that no one is above the law.

Hamis’s triumph against Diamond Trust Bank stood as a testament to the power of perseverance and the resilience of individuals in the face of injustice. It reinforced the principle that courts exist to protect the supreme constitution and uphold the law. Hamis’s unwavering pursuit of justice would forever be remembered as a milestone in the fight against financial misconduct, ensuring that the rights of individuals remain safeguarded and that justice prevails even when confronted with formidable opponents.

Bukenya Sulaiman

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