Hamis Kiggundu Files for Arrest of Judgment in High-Stakes Legal Battle

Hamis Kiggundu Files for Arrest of Judgment in High-Stakes Legal Battle

In a stunning turn of events, Hamis Kiggundu, CEO of Ham Enterprises, has made a bold move by filing for the arrest of judgment in a closely watched legal case. The judgment, scheduled to be delivered on the 13th of June, is the culmination of a protracted legal battle between Ham Enterprises and Diamond Trust Bank Uganda and Diamond Trust Bank Kenya. Kiggundu’s decision aims to halt the delivery of the judgment pending the resolution of crucial civil applications. This unexpected development has injected further intrigue into the already high-stakes courtroom drama.

A Battle for Justice:

At the heart of the dispute lies Civil Application No. 051/2021, where Ham Enterprises, represented by Muwema and Company Advocates, seeks a decisive ruling on their application for judgment of admission. Despite persistent requests, the court had delayed the pre-hearing of the application until April 28th, 2023. Subsequent delays further frustrated the applicants until the court finally invited them to a pre-hearing conference on the 8th of June, just days before the scheduled judgment.

The Surprising Revelation:

During the pre-hearing conference, Lady Justice Elizabeth Musoke dropped a bombshell that sent shockwaves through the courtroom. She informed the parties that the judgment in Civil Appeal No. 13/2021 was ready and would be delivered on the 13th of June. However, to the dismay of the applicants, Justice Musoke declined to hear the application that contained potentially influential information, further heightening the tension surrounding the case.

Filing for the Arrest of Judgment:

In a quest for fairness, equity, and substantive justice, Ham Enterprises, with their legal team at the helm, has taken a daring step by filing for the arrest of judgment. This strategic move seeks to suspend the delivery of the impending judgment until the court can properly hear and determine Civil Application No. 051/2021. The applicants firmly believe that the information contained within this application holds the potential to impact the final outcome of the appeal and deserves thorough consideration by the court.

Implications and Significance:

Hamis Kiggundu’s decision to file for the arrest of judgment has injected a new level of uncertainty into this legal saga. The outcome of this application will have far-reaching implications not only for the parties involved but also for the broader legal landscape. It is a testament to the determination of Ham Enterprises to pursue justice and ensure a fair resolution to their dispute.

As the 13th of June looms closer, all eyes will be on the Supreme Court as it deliberates on the arrest of judgment application. The decision will undoubtedly shape the course of the legal battle and have lasting consequences for the involved parties. The courtroom drama continues to captivate observers, who eagerly await the final verdict in this high-stakes clash.


Hamis Kiggundu’s filing for the arrest of judgment adds a dramatic twist to the ongoing legal battle between Ham Enterprises and Diamond Trust Bank. The decision to halt the scheduled judgment delivery on the 13th of June underscores the importance of pending civil applications and the pursuit of justice. As the proceedings unfold, the courtroom drama promises to captivate and hold the attention of legal enthusiasts, as the fate of the appeal and its potential impact on future legal precedents hang in the balance. Stay tuned for further updates as this captivating case reaches its climax.

Bukenya Sulaiman

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