The Supreme Court Mystery: The Silence That Echoes – Hamis Kiggundu vs. Diamond Trust Bank”

In a shocking turn of events, the civil court case between Hamis Kiggundu and Diamond Trust Bank took an unexpected twist yesterday at the Supreme Court. Kiggundu, a prominent figure, has alleged that the bank swindled over UGX 120 Billion from his accounts without his knowledge.

During the court proceedings, the opposing lawyers, led by Edwin Karugire and Usama, faced intense scrutiny from journalists and the media. However, their response, or rather lack thereof, to the probing questions raised significant suspicion among the media and the entire nation.

The nation eagerly awaits answers as to why Karugire and Usama declined to provide any responses. The silence has only fueled speculation and raised concerns about the integrity of the case. The media, known for its relentless pursuit of the truth, will undoubtedly continue to investigate this matter and shed light on what transpired during yesterday’s court session.

Bukenya Sulaiman

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